This past week we enjoyed our fourteenth annual camping trip to El Capitan State Beach in Goleta, California. We camped, hiked and enjoyed good music, food and each others' company. And of course, I painted. We enjoyed three glorious days of sunshine, and I was able to complete a small painting of the stairwell in the first evening. "Stairwell at the Beach" is 8"h by 10"w . I will be painting a larger version of this one for sure! (The one I painted last year was sold a few days after painting it without even getting a good photo for reference!) "Bike Ride to Portola", 8"h by 10"w features bicyclists along the shady path that leads to the group campsite. "Ocean Therapy", 12" h by 16"w, I painted while our family prepared our "Italian Themed" pot luck dinner after a long day at the beach. "Ocean Break" 12"h by 16"w was painted from our "beach front" picnic table, while I enjoyed the company of my mother, sisters and brother in law, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. Our last full day was rather gloomy, but the sun finally did come out at around 5pm, while I painted "Here Comes the Sun" 8"h by 10"w (sold already!) It was a wonderful trip-I am truly blessed with a loving and supportive family!