A few weeks ago, a group of clowns came talking and laughing through the doors at the New Village Art Foundry Art Studios where I was working, and I couldn't keep my eyes off them! They didn't mention it then, but later I found out that these "senior citizens" dress up for "Clown Week", and visit the local convalescent homes in Carlsbad.
More about Clown Week: On October 8, 1970, Public Law 91-443 under the 91st Congress, JJR 26 was passed by both the House and Senate and was sent to President Richard Nixon for his signature.
The joint resolution was signed into law by President Nixon on August 2, 1971.
President Nixon released his "National Clown Week By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation".
Since then Governors and Mayors have had their own Clown week proclamation for their state or city.
Today the National Clown Week has grown to International Clown Week.
This painting Celebrates the Spirit of these beautiful and generous people who bring happiness into the lives of those less fortunate than themselves!
In addition to the original, (only) 3 canvas giclees are available!